UJIN TECH is a friction welding company established in 2009.
We strive to provide effective solutions to our customers, from machine manufacturing to product development and production.
We will do our best to be become a world-class global manufacturer through ceaseless technological development and thorough quality control.
Company Name UJIN TECH Corp.
CEO Kim Seong-yoon
Established February 2009
Main business Friction welding machine manufacturing / Product development and production / Facility renovation and overhaul
Address Headquarters and Factories 32, Palgok Sandan 1-gil, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Friction Welding Division 93-16, Sinnam-dong-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Contact T.+82-31-415-8448 / F.+82-31-416-8448
Export Status
UJIN TECH's friction welding machines are exported to seven countries, including Europe, America, China, and Japan.